graduate paper upload for foreign students-手机版亚博


all graduate students:

allgraduate students:

  1. you should upload your paper/thesis into our system.

accessthe website :

1createyour account;

2uploadyou paper;

2.your paper should meet the followingrequirements:

  1. a whole paper starts with the standard chinese cover, english cover, a declaration for originality, abstract in chinese, abstract in english.

  2. in the standard chinese cover, it is required to fill in the school code, id number, classification code, udc number, defense date, chinese name of the thesis defense chairman.

  3. in the item密级 just fill in 公开

  4. your paper must be pdf form.

3.once you have uploaded you paper, you willget the feedback in 3 days. ifthe status has showed审核通过,you have finished the task.

4.any other question please contact(025)83794725
